Friday, 30 December 2016

Bedford Parkrun 10 December

I went to Bedford Parkrun on Saturday 10 December for the first time since March. I may not be getting quicker but at least I'm consistent; my time was 23.05, exactly the same as last time. I finished 64th out of 284.

Steve Clough

Monday, 26 December 2016

Bedford Parkrun - Christmas Day 2016

Les and Pete decided to spend the morning of Christmas Day doing the Bedford Parkrun and there was a decent turnout with 169 people having the same idea. Les was actually taking part as a volunteer and was tail runner.

Times were:

Pete Jones          103rd in 27.41
Les Potts             169th in 58.26


MK Parkrun - 24.12.16

On Christmas Eve 5 of us ventured over to Milton Keynes for the weekly Parkrun. Lots of people had the same idea with 557 people taking part.

There was a huge crowd at the start and with the grass being very wet people were sticking to the narrow path and passing was a challenge. This proved an issue for us as we were stuck at the back at the start. 

Our results were:

Chris Wright               142nd in 25.09
Pete Jones                 221st in 27.37
Fiona Jones                275th in 28.36
Les Potts                    374th in 31.09
Sian Jones                  501st in 38.05

This was Pete's 198th Parkrun so with him running again on Christmas Day things are set up for him to do his 200th Parkrun at Bedford on New Year's Eve.