Friday, 30 December 2016

Bedford Parkrun 10 December

I went to Bedford Parkrun on Saturday 10 December for the first time since March. I may not be getting quicker but at least I'm consistent; my time was 23.05, exactly the same as last time. I finished 64th out of 284.

Steve Clough

Monday, 26 December 2016

Bedford Parkrun - Christmas Day 2016

Les and Pete decided to spend the morning of Christmas Day doing the Bedford Parkrun and there was a decent turnout with 169 people having the same idea. Les was actually taking part as a volunteer and was tail runner.

Times were:

Pete Jones          103rd in 27.41
Les Potts             169th in 58.26


MK Parkrun - 24.12.16

On Christmas Eve 5 of us ventured over to Milton Keynes for the weekly Parkrun. Lots of people had the same idea with 557 people taking part.

There was a huge crowd at the start and with the grass being very wet people were sticking to the narrow path and passing was a challenge. This proved an issue for us as we were stuck at the back at the start. 

Our results were:

Chris Wright               142nd in 25.09
Pete Jones                 221st in 27.37
Fiona Jones                275th in 28.36
Les Potts                    374th in 31.09
Sian Jones                  501st in 38.05

This was Pete's 198th Parkrun so with him running again on Christmas Day things are set up for him to do his 200th Parkrun at Bedford on New Year's Eve.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Holdenby Duathlon - 23 October 2016

I entered the Holdenby duathlon on Oct 23rd and it was my first duathlon since the much missed Silverstone events. I went for the sprint distance comprising a 5k run, 22.5k cycle and 5k run. 

The run was one lap around the grounds of Holdenby House. The first 1k was downhill, so there was an inevitable uphill section just after halfway which was short but tough, especially on the second run. Most of the run was on farm tracks but there was also a 1k cross country section over quite rough ground. The cycle was quite an undulating course, with one long uphill section and then a nice downhill run near the end, though unfortunately I was held up at a set of temporary traffic lights on this part. 

The trouble with the duathlon discipline is that you know that anyone you overtake on the bike is a better runner and is likely to overtake you on the final run, which is pretty much what happened to me. I finished 18th out of 46, with split times of 27.02, 45.02 & 28.08 + 2.08 in T1 & T2, making 1.42.25 in total. I had hoped to finish inside 1.40 but given the difficulty of the run course, I was pretty satisfied with my time and position and although I was exhausted at the end, it was an enjoyable morning.


Linford Wood Parkrun - 22nd October 2016

In ideal running conditions a very decent 187 runners turned out for this weeks Linford Wood Parkrun boosted by a large contingent of Redway Runners. 

Flitwick Tri couldn't match the 70 runners representing Redway Runners but we did have 3 of us there!

Les Potts achieved 50th place in 25:57, Jack Wilkinson achieved 99th place in 29:43 (he was Chloe's pacer) and Chloe Potts achieved 100th place in a personal best of 29:52 (thanks Jack).


Saturday, 22 October 2016

Dusting off the bikes

Having failed in my attempt to get a place in the ballot for the London Marathon but having secured a charity place in the Ride London 100 next summer it was time to get out on the road again.

Last weekend i went out for a couple of hours and found a few hills to remind my legs what they involve. This morning I went out with my mate Andy and realised I hadn't been out on the bike with him for over a year. Before that we used to be out together every couple of weeks. We were out for just over 2 hours and managed to clock up about 36 miles and a few hills.

Will be aiming to get out regularly at weekends over the winter so if you fancy joining me please get in touch. Happy to go at any speed (within reason) as it is just good to be out on the bike in the fresh air.


Linford Wood Parkrun - 15th October 2016

I was the sole Flitwick Tri runner at Linford Wood Parkrun this week.

In ideal running conditions I completed the course in 25:57 finishing in 35th place out of 139 park-runners, and came 1st in my age category.


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Great Eastern Run - 9 October 2016

On Sunday Les and I headed up to Peterborough for the Perkins Great Eastern Run. The race is over half-marathon distance and the course is pretty much flat and goes trough the main centre of Peterborough before going out through the outskirts and then looping back to the park where it all starts from.

The issue we both had was a distinct lack of long runs in the build up and I'm not sure either of us we particularly confident of a good time going in to the run.

Weather wise there was a rain shower shortly before the start but the actual race was dry and bright.

I was fine to about 7 miles but the 6 miles after that were a real struggle and my legs just felt dead. Having spoken to Les after the race he also had a real struggle towards the latter stages.

There were 4250 finishers and my time of 1.54.40 was good enough for 1595th. Les finished in a time of 1.56.56 was good enough for 1862nd.


Ruck Up Run - 09.10.16

Roade Triathlon - 23.09.16

I entered the Roade triathlon on 23rd September. It is a pool based triathlon with slightly odd distances compared to normal - 414m swim, 20k bike and 4.5k run. Although the website encourages early entry as the event 'always sells out', there were only 209 entries compared to over 500 in 2013 when I first entered. 

This was the third year that I have entered this event and was my slowest effort. I was a bit disappointed because I felt that I was on good form leading up to it and was hoping to get close to 1hr 10. In fact, my overall time was 1.16.29. This was partly due to it being quite blustery which affected the cycle and I also got held up by traffic on the way into Roade but mainly it was due to having no energy left for the run. I think next year I'm going to have to do more cycle/run brick training.

Steve Clough

Thursday, 6 October 2016

IRONMAN MALLORCA - Sep 24th 2016

Our very own Jon Carter was in action at Ironman Majorca on 24 September.His training was hampered in the run up as he had shin splints and then a torn calf, the latter stilla problem during the race.

Having discussed the race with Jon he told me he, and most of the other athletes, was very pleased when it was announced that the water temperature had dropped and was 0.5 degrees below the threshold that made wetsuits an option for the swim.

John put in a good swim covering the 2.4 miles in 1.14.18. Next came the 112mile ride and I am told the first part (largely uphill) was dry and then it rained heavily for 4 hours which made the bike descent tricky. John covered the 112 miles in 5.48.13.

Next up was the marathon run and with a torn calf and standing water this was always going to be a struggle. Despite both Jon managed a very creditable time of 3.50.16.

Overall an excellent finishing time of 11.06.24. 

Bournemouth Festival Supersonic 10K - 01.10.16

On Saturday it was off to Bournemouth to take part in the annual Bournemouth Marathon Festival which includes race over all distances from kids races over 1.0k to 2.5k and all age group races from 5k to half and full marathons. 

I was there to take part in the 10k which was run at 4.00pm on Saturday with the longer runs taking place on Sunday. The event is a large one and well supported and I saw a large group of Redway Runners from MK taking part. 

The weather was dry and sunny but there was a very strong wind blowing down the coast (20mph with 30mph gusts!). More about that later.

The start was very well organised with runners sorted by anticipated finishing time. Somewhat dauntingly I was in the second pen behind the elite runners, or racing snakes as the commentator called them.

The course started beside Bournemouth Pier and went along the promenade, past Boscombe Pier and on to Southbourne. This part was nice and easy as it was with the wind!

At Southbourne runners reached the turning point (at 2.8 miles) and headed back along the promenade towards Bournemouth. It was then that the fun started as the head wind was brutal. There were slight detours as the return journey included runs up and back along both piers and it was good not to be battling the wind for a short time. After running round Bournemouth Pier the race finished at the end of the gardens behind the pier.

At the finish everyone was wiped out from the wind and all agreed this has a massive impact on times.

I managed to finish in a time of 48.27 which was good enough for 215th place out of a field of 1859 runners. I was pleased to learn that I was 3rd in my age category. 

Overall a really good event, apart from the wind. Typically the next morning didn't have a breath of wind.

Les would have been very happy with the goody bag - medal, technical t-shirt, running water bottle and a light weight backpack to carry it all in. 


Standalone 10k - 2nd October 2016

This was my third Standalone event and after Flitwick 10k my most local event. It is very similar to Flitwick 10k in that it is a single lap although not quite as undulating.

As usual the event was superbly organised and well supported.

My time of 51:35 was my best here, and I was placed 538th out of 1,340 finishers.


Linford Wood Parkrun - 1st October 2016

I was the sole Flitwick Tri runner at Linford Wood Parkrun this week.

Having the Standalone 10k race tomorrow I tried to relax a little in the pleasant running conditions.

I completed the course in 26:17 finishing in 45th place out of 112 park-runners.


Sunday, 11 September 2016

Linford Wood Parkrun - 10 September 2016

Another good Flitwick Tri turnout at Linford Wood Parkrun this week. Conditions were a bit damp but that didn't stop 194 runners taking part, possibly helped by the fact that there was no Willen Lake Parkrun this week.

Times were:

Jack Wilikinson       68th in 25.47
Les Potts                69th in 25.48
Pete Jones             82nd in 26.37 (new PB)
Emily Potts            167th in 37.21
Chloe Potts            168th in 37.22

Well done all.

Milton Keynes Parkrun - 3 September 2016

A large group of us went over to Milton Keynes for the Willen Lake Parkrun to celebrate Fiona's 100th Parkrun. As usual there was a huge turnout for the run with 502 runners taking part.

The weather was good and not too warm which meant conditions were pretty much ideal.

Our times were:

Chris Wright            79th in 22.49
Pete Jones              197th in 26.26
Fiona Jones             202nd in 26.33 (NEW PB)
Jack Wilkinson        203rd in 26.34
Les Potts                 209th in 26.49
Jason Murphy          424th in 35.50
Sian Jones               449th in 38.01

Well done all!

Crissy Field Parkrun - California

We have been on our travels and had a great time in California. One highlight being able to fit in one of the four  USA parkruns. Going over the pond for 2 weeks we had ample time to fit Crissy Field Parkrun in (San Francisco).

Having arrived 2 days earlier we had time to get our bearings and work out how to get to the start…We planned to take the cable car over the hill but on the morning they were packed and so with time becoming a worry we decided to taxi it.

The course runs from the yacht club along the bay towards the bay bridge and back – a lovely course but as usual the towers of the bridge were in mist.  It was overcast but the rain held off and we all had a great run Fiona especially….as I could not catch her on the day!

Our times were

Fiona  27:16
Pete  27:43
Sian  39:07

If you get the chance go do it!  The course was flat and should have been fast… The race director was very enthusiastic – taking a photo o

f every runner AS they crossed the finish line.. He even gave Fiona a Volunteer credit when one of the timers had to dash off…

Pete Jones

Sunday, 28 August 2016

JLL Property 5K - 24.08.16

On a very hot Thursday evening in Regents Park 814 runners gathered for the JLL Property 5K a charity run organised by JLL to raise funds for the Starlight charity. The run is for those who work in or around the property industry and my firm meets that criteria.

This year due to holidays, weddings and injuries there were only 2 of us taking part from my firm.

The run is mostly flat and covers a winding route around the beautiful park. The 37 degree c temperatures made the run very tough with many people, my colleague included, really struggling with overheating.

I managed what I think is a pretty reasonable time in the conditions of 22.55 which was good enough for 187th place. My colleague Judith, after very little training, managed 765th place in a time of 36.47.

Les would have been very impressed with the huge medal presented at the end and there was also a vast supply of free beer, wine and water at the end.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Linford Wood Parkrun - 06.08.16

We had a good turnout from FlitwickTri at the Linford Wood Parkrun in Milton Keynes yesterday with 5 of us in action along with friend Samantha from MK also taking part. Conditions must have been good with 4 of us getting PBs at this Parkrun.

There were 169 runners in total and the weather was fine and sunny but thankfully much of the run is in the shade as it weaves through the woods.

Our times were:

Jack Wilkinson            20th in 21.58
Chris Wright               26th in 22.25 PB
Liam Ko                      57th in 25.30 PB
Les Potts                     58th in 25.33 PB
Sarah Eke                    147th in 34.59               

Samantha Evans           90th in 28.49 PB

Well done all.

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Linford Wood Parkrun - 30.07.16

This week it was the turn of Les, Chloe and Jack to head over to Linford Wood Parkrun in MK. Conditions were again very good but the big turnout this week of 212 made things a bit tricky on the narrow paths.

The results were:

Jack Wilkinson             21st in 21.40 (another PB)
Les Potts                     87th in 27.25
Chloe Potts                 136th in 31.32

Linford Wood Parkrun - 23.07.16

Last week Les, Jack and I headed over to MK to have a go at the Linford Wood Parkrun which is now the second one in Milton Keynes. Conditions were good if still a bit warm. This was the event's second running and 135 runners took part.

The run is mildly undulating and a large part of it is on a winding footpath through the woods.

Our times were:

Jack Wilkinson:           18th in 21.58
Chris Wright:               25th in 23.05
Les Potts:                    55th in 26.31             

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Linford Wood MK Parkrun - 16th July 2016

Liam Ko, Chloe Potts and I decided to take part in the first Parkrun at Linford Wood, Milton Keynes.

The route was nice enough albeit pretty narrow the whole way especially the second half through the woods although by then the runners had spaced out considerably.

Our results were:

Liam Ko 83rd 27:59
Les Potts 117th 30.44
Chloe Potts 119th 30:52

Our pal Samantha came in 134th in 32:49. 188 runners took part.


Luton Wardown Parkrun - 9th July 2016

There were four runners from Flitwick Tri in this event. It being Jack's and my first time at Luton Parkrun.

Parking was easy, and cheap and the course relatively pleasant.

Out of 212 runners we achieved the following results:

Jack Wilkinson 28th  22:57
Pete Jones 58th 25:18
Les Potts 59th  25:21
Sian Jones 156th       37:13


Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Stowe Triathlon - 3rd July 2016

Quick report on the Stowe triathlon on 3rd July.

I entered the Stowe triathlon at least partly because it starts at a sensible time - 11am for the sprint event so none of this setting off from home before 6am for a 7.30 start!  

The organisers sent an email the day before warning of a weed infestation in the lake which meant they had to change the swim route from one large lap to 3 smaller laps that they tried to clear. I hate to think what it must have been like before they cleared it because it was very weedy. I think perhaps a narrow path had been cleared on the direct route between buoys but because I am not a strong swimmer I tend to keep to the outside where it was not clear and not at all pleasant. Once it settled down to single file after a lap, progress was easier.

The start of the bike leg was on an unmade pot holed track that I would normally only have cycled on a mountain bike. It was also uphill and I was about 3/4 of the way up when a competitor in trouble on the way down asked me to go back and get help. If there is such a thing as a reluctant Good Samaritan then it was me as I went 500m back, raised the alarm and then cycled back up. If I had been thinking straight I would have carried on to the next marshal who was probably nearer anyway. 

I felt that I was going very slowly on the run but actually my time was not too bad and I was satisified with my overall time of 1hr 48m 59s. This was 9m slower than my time at the same event 2 years ago but the run was 6.7k compared to the traditional 5k last time out so with that and the extra cycling I was probably marginally faster. I finished 28th out of 77 in the sprint category. Overall, an enjoyable event in a fantastic location.

Next one for me is probably the Bedfordshire triathlon at Box End on 17th July.

Steve Clough

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Silsoe Stride 10K - 26.06.16

Hi Folks,

Just a line to tell you Fiona and I did the Silsoe 10K – cross country run on 26/6/16.
Called the Silsoe Stride it does a big loop starting on the entrance road to Wrest park and follows farm tracks and country lanes.

Considering it sold out about a week before I was surprised that only 150 ish finished the 5k and about 80 started/finished the 10k. Maybe the rain the night before scared people off….but not me and Fiona. We loved it.

It was well organised and finishers got not only a medal but also a token for family access to the house / grounds any time this year.

The route was lovely and scenic with only one real hill to speak of which lasted about 200m. The race was in aid of charity and there was a children’s race, a tombola & raffle and a BBQ at the end.

Considering it was cross country we were both pleased with our times though it would have been nice to break the hour.

Fiona came in at 1hr 1 min and 45 sec with me 2 seconds behind her.
Pete Jones

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Cambridge Parkrun - 18.06.16

Pete and I were on the road again this week and went over to try out the Cambridge Parkrun. This takes place in Milton Country Park which is to the north of the town, just outside the A14.

The run is one short lap and then two large laps. The run is on gravel paths but there were lots of puddles and muddy patches following heavy overnight rain. The event was very well organised and marshalled.

The event attracts a very large field and this week there were 424 runners taking part.

Our times were:

Chris Wright                        72nd in 22.34
Pete Jones                          157th in 25.40 

Stevenage Parkrun - 11 June 2016

Pete, Fiona and I went over to Stevenage to try out the new Parkrun in Fairlands Valley Park. This was only the 3rd running of the event and it takes in 2 laps of the park. Most of the run is on paths but there is a section that goes through the trees and there are roots that need to be avoided.

The course is largely flat but there are some undulations, including a steep one that takes runners up the last 100 yards to the finish.

Out of a field of 266 runners our times were:

Chris Wright                   41st in 22.44
Pete Jones                     98th in 26.06
Fiona Jones                    124th in 27.49 

2016 Vitality London 10,000 - 30th May 2016

London Westminster Mile - 29th May 2016

For the second successive year I took part in this race as part of the Sweatshop Running Community.

Races were staged throughout the day with nearly 5,000 runners making the mad dash to the finish line.

The race started on The Mall and follows the perimeter of St James Park before finishing in front of Buckingham Palace.

This year I finished in 6 minutes 59 seconds some 10 seconds quicker than last year. This time put me in about 750th place.

A picnic lunch was provided by Sweatshop.


Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Run Bedford 10K - 05.06.16

This was a new event last year and this year it had a much larger entry of over 800 runners. There were in fact 751 finishers. The race takes in a large loop round central Bedford starting and finishing along the length of The Embankment which makes it a very scenic run. Another benefit is that it is run on closed roads so there is plenty of room to accommodate all the runners.

The route is largely flat but there were a couple of drags up slight inclines that provided a bit of a challenge to weary limbs.

It was meant to be a very warm day but thankfully, for running purposes, it was quite a chilly morning and running conditions were pretty much perfect.

The event clearly suited some of our members though with Sian knocking minutes off her previous best and Les smashing his PB and going under 50 minutes (by some margin!) for the first time.

The results were:

Chris Wright             203rd in 46.03
Les Potts                  291st in 49.14
Pete Jones                422nd in 54.21
Sian Jones                 743rd in 1.16.48

Rushmere Parkrun - 04.06.16

On Saturday three of our members decided to go for an off-road park run around Rushmere Country Park near Leighton Buzzard. This is an undulating park run which involves almost exclusively off-road running through woods dodging tree roots as you go.

There were 214 runners taking part in the event this week.

Les and Chloe were both first timers at the event that Pete had run it before and just missed out on a PB.

The times were:

Pete Jones          130th in 30.07
Chloe Potts          161st in 32.18
Les Potts              162nd in 32.19     

Stratford-On-Avon Parkrun - 28 May 2016

Pete and Sian were on their travels again 10 days ago and stopped off on route to take in the Stratford-On-Avon Parkrun. There were 268 runners taking part and their times were:

Pete Jones            102nd in 26.01
Sian Jones             239th in 36.39

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Ellenbrook Parkrun - 21 May 2016

On 21st May Pete and I went over to Hatfield for the first running of the Ellenbrook Parkrun. The route was a mix of paths and grass tracks and we were fortunate that conditions had been quite dry in the lead up to the run.

The event takes place just behind the campus of the University of Hertfordshire and this provided free parking with toilets available in the sports centre.

There was good turnout for the inaugural run and 273 people were in action. Our times were:

Chris Wright                 53rd in 22.33
Pete Jones                   132nd in 26.38

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Milton Keynes Parkrun - 14.05.16

On Saturday 3 FlitwickTri runners were in action at Milton Keynes Parkrun. There was a huge turnout with 572 runners taking part.

The results were:

Steve Clough                       72nd in 22.40
Pete Jones                          275th in 28.18
Sian Jones                           509th in 37.02

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Bedford Parkrun - 14.05.16

It was a pleasant looking morning at Bedford Park but there was a chilly breeze coming in the opposite direction to the prevailing wind. The sun brought out a big field with 393 runners taking part.

Les and I made up FlitwickTri's representation and our times were:

Chris Wright                       43rd in 22.33
Les Potts                            135th in 26.24 

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Silverstone 10k - 4th May 2016

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Bedford Parkrun - 7 May 2016

There was a huge turnout at Bedford Parkrun this morning, no doubt motivated by the glorious sunshine and warm temperatures. I'm not sure if it was a record number but with 387 runners taking part it must have been close.

There were 5 of us from FlitwickTri taking part and the times were:

Chris Wright                    43rd in 23.04
Pete Jones                      167th in 27.50                     
Emily Potts                      341st in 36.48
Les Potts                         343rd in 37.01
Sian Jones                       348th in 37.20.

Well done all.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Ampthill Sportive – 1st May

When I found out that there was a sportive starting in Ampthill, I thought I had to enter. It was organised by the Icknield Cycling Club as part of a family fun day at Redborne School raising money for East Anglia Air Ambulance. Distances on offer ranged from 15 to 100 miles. I went for the 70 miler which headed west through Woburn, Soulbury, Stewkley, Whitchurch, Quanton and then back via the Claydons & Winslow, rejoining the outward route for the hill into Gt Brickhill. Signposting of the route was excellent but other aspects were not so good. I really only found out by accident that it was on and I can find no results on the website. I know it is non competitive but it would be nice to see them and they did have chip timing. I finished in about 4.5hrs.

I passed and was passed by plenty of cyclists around the course but oddly there was no one else at either of the two refreshment stops. Most cyclists seemed to carry on but if there’s free flapjack going then I’m stopping! On the way up the small rise through the Deer Park, a rider ahead of me stopped very suddenly with cramp and then the same thing almost happened to me, deferred effect from the Gt Brickhill climb I think. Anyway, I just about made it back. The weather was good, the only tricky thing was that it was chilly early in the morning so I wore a jacket and then later on wished I didn’t have it.


Box End trail run – 27th April

This was an evening 10k run using the trail paths around the Box End lakes. I waited until the last minute before deciding to enter as the forecast was very cold and wet and I didn’t fancy that. In the event it was cold but the rain held off and it was very enjoyable. After about 1k I was in the first ten or so runners and thought I’d made a mistake in setting off too quickly. I was surprised however to more or less maintain my pace and position, finishing 13th out of 60. I was aiming for a sub 50 min time and although I finished in 50.03, the course was in excess of 10.2k so at least I did make the pace I was aiming for. There was no marshalling but the track was very easy to follow , and it was very cheap to enter and the results were online next day. They run a series of evening triathlons over the summer using the lake and trail paths but it seems that the run was a one off which is a shame.


Flitton Flits Fun Run Monday 2nd May

Pete and I took part in this very local event for the first time and was ably supported by Emily and dog Poppy.

It was all off-road on Forestry Commission land start. The very scenic route took us from Flitton Moors to and around flitwick Moors and then back to the start (finish).

All profits from the event were for the benefit of i) The Friends of Flitwick Moor and ii) Flitton Church Hall.

92 runners took part with Pete clocking in at 27:53 in 60th place and I clocked 25:29 in 45th place.

We rewarded ourselves with a pub lunch in The White Hart.


Bedford Parkrun 30th April 2016

A good turnout from Flitwick Tri this week with 6 runners amongst the 365 runners taking part. 

Once again it was perfect running weather.


Pete 139th 26:47 - despite coming off worse after encounter with wild dog:(
Les 166th 27:53
Fiona 173rd  28:02
Chloe 175th   28:02
Sian 337th  36:54
Emily 338th   37:11

Bedford Parkrun 9th April 2016

It was left to Sian and me to represent Flitwick Tri at Bedford Parkrun this week with Pete and Fiona running elsewhere.

On a day that was perfect for the 336 runners we can in as follows:

Les 125th 26:02
Sian 314th 37:55
