On Sunday, I entered the first of a series of three triathlons based at Bedford Park. The swim section comprises 12 lengths of the Robinson Pool and slowest go first which meant I was in for an early start at 7.45. The weather was a little cold at that time and breezy but not too bad.
My overall time was 1:35.19, which was disappointingly over 7 minutes slower than I managed over the same course in October. Most of that was lost on the bike where I was really struggling for energy. My optimistic target was to beat my October time by 2 mins and when I realised that I was losing lots of time that proved demotivating for the remainder of the cycle and the run which I completed very slowly. I don’t know what went wrong, my swim time actually improved from October, so I can’t blame that. Hopefully, it should be easier to improve in the second event in June!
Overall, I finished 195th out of 293.