Saturday, 31 August 2013

Ceres 8 Mile

Hi Folks
Whilst in Scotland in August I ran the Ceres 8mile road race organised by Fife athletic club. There were about 150 very keen runners who took part. 
The route basically went uphill for the first 3 miles then weaved up and down before a very welcome 3 mile downhill! Should have guessed it would be tough being in Scotland where they have mountains! Still I was very pleased with my place of 137th in a time of 1hr 16min.
A tough run but a fantastic buffet afterwards  -  some runs could learn a lot from the Scots !

Pete Jones

Parkrun Milton Keynes - 31.08.13

There must have been something in the water in Milton Keynes this morning as there were 2 FlitwickTri runners taking part in the Parkrun and both clocked new MK PBs!

The weather conditions were ideal and a very big field of 454 runners took part.

The times were:

Liam Ko                    22.18      
Les Potts                  24.49

Excellent running.


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Newmarket Duathlon - 26.08.13

Pete & I took part in this event for the second consecutive year and like last year it was a 12 o’clock start on a very warm day albeit not as hot as last year. The event was well organised with plenty of supportive marshals. The race was 2.5 mile run, 14 mile cycle ride and a further 2.5mile run on a mildly undulating course.
Pete completed the course in 1:45:28 improving his year on year time by 1 minute 7 seconds with the first run being 56 seconds slower than last year but improved more so on both the bike by 1 minute 32 seconds and the second run by 31 seconds.
Pete position was 69th out of 87 starters (84 finishers).
Given that I had a slow puncture last year it was inevitable that I would post a better time. I did however improve on the ride time and also both runs coming in with a time of 1:48:26 some 10m 54s faster. Unfortunately I did incur a 2 minute penalty for a helmet infringement whilst in transition so was placed 79th with a time of 1:50:26.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Bedford Parkrun - 24.08.13

Damp and dismal weather greeted Parkrunners in Bedford today. This didn't however stop Fiona achieving another very good PB.

Times were:

Liam Ko             22.23
Fiona Jones       28.31
Pete Jones        28.33
Sian Jones         39.51

Well done everyone.


Bedford Parkrun 17.08.13

Liam & I were the only representatives of Flitwick Tri at this week’s event.
Liam was looking for his third consecutive PB and a sub 21 minute time and was on course until a stitch at the 3.5k mark ended that notion. He finished the race in 17th place in a time of 21m 18s.
I was slightly happier than Liam in that I knocked 15 seconds of my previous PB set over 3 months ago finishing the race in 50th place in a time of 24m 14s.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Bearbrook 10K - 11.08.13

On Sunday Les and I ventured over to Aylesbury for the Bearbrook 10K. The run attracted 475 runners and a lot of them appeared to be pretty serious club runners.

The route took us very gradually up hill for the first 5k, then there were a couple of steeper up hill sections for the next 2k followed by a very welcome 3k downhill section to the finish. The weather started overcast and breezy but soon after the start the sun came out and the temperature soon warmed up.

Despite the hills Les and I managed to achieve good times but the route was never likely to be one for PBs.

Times were:

Chris Wright          46.12
Les Potts               51.41

Cuerten Valley Parkrun - 10.08.13

Whilst some of us were taking part close to home Pete and Fiona Jones were taking part in the inaugeral Cuerten Valley Parkrun in Preston.The first running off this event attracted a very impressive 163 runners.

Times were:

Fiona Jones         31.33
Pete Jones           31.34

Well done both.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Bedford Parkrun - 10.08.13

Saturday morning dawned bright but thankfully a bit cooler for the Bedford Parkrun and 5 FlitwickTri members turned up to try and take advantage of it.

Having said "never again" after her first Parkrun Lois surprised me on Friday night to say she wanted to take part again. I took the chance to be 'Evil Coach' again and ran with her to provide my special brand of support and encouragement.

Liam and Sarah showed how it should be done with excellent new PBs being achieved by both of them.

The times were:

Liam Ko                    21.04
Sarah Eke                 29.50
Ellen Wright             33.25
Lois Wright               42.59
Chris Wright             43.00

Well done to everybody.


Monday, 5 August 2013

The Jones family on their travels - 03.08.13

Whilst on their travels in the West of the Country the Jones family managed to represent FlitwickTri at 2 different Parkruns on Saturday.

Fiona was in action at Worcester Parkrun and was clearly on good form as she achieved a PB for this run of 28.35.

Whilst Fiona was in Worcester Pete the Monster was in  slightly further south at Swindon Parkrun and he finished in a time of 25.51.

Well done both. Good to see you are making use of the holiday time.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Bedford Parkrun - 03.07.13

Four of us were in action at Bedford Parkrun yesterday and the weather was glorious. Pleasantly warm and sunny with just a slight breeze to keep the temperature managable.

Both Liam and Sarah managed PBs with Liam coming a very impressive 12th out of the 170 runners.

Times were:

LIam Ko             21.18
Chris Wright       21.37
Sarah Eke           30.16
Ellen Wright        32.39

Well done all.
